Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Choose Life

How painful and sad it is to watch the news and see the many families confronting financial disaster because of the loss of jobs, closing down of businesses and general collapsing of the economy, both here and around the world. The reality of having to make hard choices, for example between food or medications, education or transportation, heat or electricity, is putting people in a position that has been unknown in our lifetime.

Could there be a silver lining to this cloud that is effecting so many?

I believe there is. The secret for me lies in the Power to Choose. In my experience, there has never been a situation in which I have had NO choices. If the circumstances were beyond my control, at least my attitude in dealing with those circumstances was within my power. As one of my friends, Gail (whom you will get to meet frequently in these reflections) says: "You can choose to be bitter, or you can choose to be better."

Last evening on the nightly news, a father of a family who had lost his job was being interviewed. He was telling how in his family they were planning to have one night a week without electricity. After lighting candles, they were going to turn off the lights, get out the checkerboard, play games and talk to one another. It was his attitude and belief that his family was going to grow stronger by going through this tough time.

My own life has been guided for many years by two passages from the Bible, one from the Old Testament, one from the New Testament.

In Deuteronomy 30:19, God says: "I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life then, that you and your descendants may live."

John's Gospel 10:10 records Jesus saying: "I came that they may have life, and have it to the full."

Putting these two verses together in my life, I have learned that in every occasion, I am confronted by a choice. When I ask myself: "What is the life-giving choice here, what is the death-dealing choice?" it becomes more evident which direction I need to go, how I need to respond, what my attitude needs to be. That doesn't mean that I've always responded correctly, or made the right choice. But it has helped me to clarify the choices available.

When I apply this framework to our present economic struggles, I see the father mentioned above making some very life-giving decisions for his family. These seem to be decisions that would not have been made if the circumstances had not backed them into this corner. His attitude and his faith are finding the life in the situation, and he is choosing it.

At this time, where in your life are you being given the choice between life and death, blessing and curse?

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Ron! So... you've come over to the dark side :) I've added you to my blog roll and look forward to popping over to read what you have to say. This was a fantastic start... my friends and I have talked about this a lot, some who have lost their jobs or are soon to, and it is all about choice. And using our gifts that are in our control: our faith, our hope, our optimism, our fortitude.
