Saturday, March 7, 2009

What's Your Message?

Email is a great way to communicate quickly with other people. Though I'm sure that those who are into text messaging would say that email is outdated. However, since I'm not into TM, I'm satisfied with using old fashioned methods like email, and even the telephone!

Recently I've been aware of how some people utilize email to disseminate negative information, negative opinions, negative feelings and prejudices. It's almost like they are a cauldron filled with poisonous liquid, and by bumping against them through the email, that liquid spills over and splashes on me. I feel blemished and tarnished from the exposure and contact.

The second category of missives that I do not appreciate are those that have a religious message which ends with some kind of guilt statement, i.e., if I don't send this on, then I am denying my faith or failing to profess it. Another type of this message is the good/bad fortune promise: if I just send this to X number of people I will receive a surprise, if I don't something terrible will happen.

Just on principle, I delete both of these missives. In my judgment, if the message does not build people up, help them to laugh or at least smile, feel better about themselves or the world we live in, then it does not deserve to be forwarded. There is no blessing in spreading negative energy in our world. There is enough of that already.

What a gift and treasure it is to be able to communicate with people in the rapid manners that are available to us. What a positive impact we can have when we use those methods to draw closer to one another, to improve our world a little bit.

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