Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Why Blog?

Why would anyone want to spend the time and energy to write a blog? Why would anyone want to hang themselves out in the public forum for others to view, judge, criticize and react to? Assuming of course, that anyone would even bother to read them!

The answer for me is multi-layered: 1. There is something self-actualizing about putting my thoughts and reflections down on paper (or spelled out in the computer as the case may be!). By writing things down, they are clarified, become real and take on a life of their own.

2. The creative process often brings forth surprises even for me. (Wow! I didn't know I thought/knew that!?!) Maybe especially for me!

3. After 6-plus decades of living, I find myself wanting/needing to reflect on my experiences and spell them out. The abundance of my life's happenings demands to be mined for the nuggets of wisdom that lie within. (Someone has remarked that the unreflected life is not worth living.)

4. Because what is most personal is also most universal (as My Love frequently reminds me), I am realizing a desire to share these reflections/musings with others. If they strike a chord in someone else's life, I will be doubly grateful.

Therefore, I will be posting from time to time the gleanings of my life's experience in this space. I am not tying myself to a strict schedule, but have set a goal of at least once per week. If it happens more often, so be it.

So whence the name, RondoMusings? Very simply, they are Ron's Random Musings! Nothing too profound there.

Who am I? The short answer is: a 60+ Lover of Life and Believer in Love who was born in the Midwest (Iowa), spent most of his adult years in northwest Iowa, while being tremendously blessed with opportunities to travel and live, if only for short times, in Germany, Tanzania, Malawi, India, Philippines and Bolivia. After 12 years in Deep South Texas (some would call that another foreign country!), culminating in the loss of our home to a hurricane, My Love and I have now returned to northwest Iowa and its beautiful, cold winter. All of this, and more, will be grist for the mill in the ensuing installments.

So hang on, if you so desire, and discover with me where this ride will take us. Any reflections, comments, questions or reactions will be welcomed.

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